So in case you did not already know we de-activated our Facebook account for the time being.
Why? Well we were both sick of dumb people and tired of wasting time on that time sucker.
Who? Well Andrew is the one who suggested it, gave me a weeks notice and BAM it was gone.
When? "Well we are not re-activating it until the middle of June", says Andrew.
Thoughts? We thought we would be miserable or it would "feel weird" not being on Facebook social media, but we were brave and went through with the de-activation. We have LOVED it. We only accidentally went to the site out of habit once or twice. We deleted the Facebook app off of our phones so that's not a problemo. And we really don't talk or think about it. Also, I (Starrie) am still on Instagram under @starriewhittle and I am also still doing the blog thing.
In our new founded undistracted time we have been doing the following:
Learning to scoot
Reading books with daddy
Baking delicious chocolate chip cookies
Reading the "Ginny Book" aka scriptures
(Ginny is what Jocey calls her great grandma Bunker)
Making Texas Sheet Cake from scratch
Having some sissy time
We have always done these things, but it's just nice to not have any distractions while doing them. I am really hoping to finish the high chair re-do that I have been planning/working on for a while.
Way to go! I think that's awesome!